Friday, October 21, 2005

More to come with my trip to Europe. Keep checking back. There is still more in Rothenburg, and some in Nuremburg.

detail of the statues and the crest over the entrance to the Rothenburg Rathaus. Very nice. Posted by Picasa

Rothenburg Rathaus (city hall). Stunning. The city hall in my hometown is about 1/100th as interesting as this one.  Posted by Picasa

Rothenburg. This was lunch Schweinebratwürstchen und kartoffelsalat (small pork sausages and potato salad). Delicious. Not pictured Weissbier (wheat beer). Also Delicious. Posted by Picasa

Writing on the building "Mittelalterliche Trinksteube zur höll." Translated to Medievil drink place to hell. Pretty sure it's a bar, it was closed because it was still pretty early. We ate lunch next door. Posted by Picasa

I love the architecture here. Still Rothenburg, I forget what this structure was, but cool regardless. Posted by Picasa

Another street scene in Rothenburg. The street curls down and to the right. It would be a great picture if the construction wasn't there. Posted by Picasa

A street scene in Rothenburg. A nice little burg, that is well preserved, and appears very much like it did in the middle ages.  Posted by Picasa

The Train trip from Barcelona to Nuremburg. I switched trains 5 times and the trip took about 22 hours. It would have been less, but I missed my last train from Karlsruhe to Nuremburg. Fortunately there was another one an hour or so later. Posted by Picasa

Rick Drinking Corona, in an Irish Pub, in Ibiza. I'm sure there is some sort of joke about mixing international things like this, but it is not coming to me.  Posted by Picasa

Irish Pub in Ibiza

This is a picture of myself, our waitress, Rick and Jay. Drinking in an Irish pub in Ibiza. The previous 2 nights we spent in dance clubs (no pictures). I actually think this place was more fun. AND way cheaper. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Here is a third pic from my back yard. My favorite so far. To find your own red/cyan glasses you just have to look around. AMC theaters are giving them away in their kid's packages. I saw some Gogurt in the dairy section that had some, and I think I saw some fruit rollups with some on their package too.  Posted by Picasa

3D photos are made with one camera being the Left and the other being Right. I was able to assemble this lovely contraption with 2 cameras from CVS for $35. They are attached to a fiberglass angle with rubberbands (temporary until I come up with a better way to attach them). And with help from I don't have to take the cameras back to CVS to get the pictures off of the camera. The cameras are wired so that pressing the shutter on one will trigger both to take a picture. The pictures were then overlaid into a red/cyan anaglyph you can view with 3d red/cyan glasses.

3D picture of my work table in the Basement Posted by Picasa

3D picture of my Dining Room. Posted by Picasa