Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Oompa Loompa band in Erlangen. The Sunday I was there was a special day. They had a band and beer in the Marktplatz (literally market place, but more just like a town square). And stores were open. They are usually all closed on Sunday. Posted by Picasa

One more View from the Church Tower in Erlangen. Posted by Picasa

View from the Church Tower in Erlangen Posted by Picasa

View from the Church Tower in Erlangen Posted by Picasa

The Meat Bridge (FleischBr�cke). Posted by Picasa

Church Tower in Erlangen Posted by Picasa

View from the Church Tower in Erlangen Posted by Picasa

This is a disturbing sculpture, it is supposed to be a nod to Albrecht D�rer's work. Creepy Rabbit.  Posted by Picasa

Suit of armor hanging on the corner of a building in Nuremburg. Pretty cool.  Posted by Picasa

Jeff and Audra, on a street heading away from the Schloss. They were excellent tour guides. Unfortunately I have spread these photos out so long I have forgotten some of the stuff they told me.  Posted by Picasa

Me leaning on the wall near the Schloss in Nuremburg. Posted by Picasa

Once we got up the hill this is a picture looking down. Still in Nuremburg. Posted by Picasa

Picture down a street in Nuremburg. We were walking up the hill to a Schloss (palace).  Posted by Picasa

Picture in the Dungeon beneath the Nuremburg Rathaus. Posted by Picasa

Someplace in Nuremburg. I liked the architecture there. Posted by Picasa